Industrial control chassis manufacturers teach you how to use server chassis!
Please do not disassemble or assemble the industrial control computer casually. If a common failure occurs, please refer to the common problems and common troubleshooting methods of the industrial control computer, or contact the manufacturer immediately. Server case Since your network server will store important files and more expensive items on the network, you must consider the safety factor.
The server chassis should be lockable to avoid unauthorized disassembly. Choose a chassis and switching power supply with a qualification certificate that considers your natural environment. Typical verifications are FCC, UL and CE. As a part of computer accessories, the key function of the case is to place and fix the computer accessories, which has a contrast and maintenance function.
In addition, the computer case has an important function of shielding electromagnetic radiation. Cases with poor application quality are very easy to short-circuit the computer motherboard and case, making the computer operating system more and more unstable.
When IPC is in normal application, it must be in normal operation under non-industrial machinery vibration environment to avoid hard disk damage.
The monitor is easily scratched. There is no need to clean up products such as general institutions, cloths, etc. These products do not touch the product monitor on the display with a pen or finger. The product can be scrubbed to solve the non-specific information displayed.
In order to ensure the actual heat dissipation effect of the heat pipe of the industrial control computer, we strongly request you to clean the anti-pollution sponge of the industrial control computer regularly every three months.
In order to ensure the high-efficiency and reliable operation of industrial computers, it is recommended that computer hard disks be cleaned up and disc fragmented every three months.
Please regularly back up important data information in the data IPC to prevent content loss due to common failures.
If the industrial computer you use must be connected to the Internet or LAN to ensure reliable operation of the industrial computer, you are strongly required to install anti-virus software in advance and update it regularly to avoid system hemiplegia caused by virus attacks.
It is recommended that the application operating system and authorized software approve related application procedures.
If you must install other programs to run, please read the article to install the mobile phone software to indicate whether the software is compatible with the operating system of the industrial computer, and your industrial computer hardware configuration meets the requirements of the industrial computer hardware software.